The whats, hows, wheres, and whens to pick these spiky friends!

Stinging nettles are some of my favorite foods and medicines of the Spring and Summer time! Here's what to know about collecting these wonderful beings. Firstly, let's talk harvesting.
I am informed by how I collect by Robin Wall Kimmerer's writing in Braiding Sweetgrass:

"Ask permission before using... Harvest in a way that minimizes harm. Use it respectfully... Give thanks for what you have been given."
Reusable bag
Gloves (optional)
Close to water sources during early Spring
Bring out scissors and bag along with you on trail
Snip the tops of the nettle, leaving some leaves below; the youngest and freshest leaves are at the top and also allows the plant to grow/produce more
Harvest sparingly and respectfully: "Ask permission before using... Harvest in a way that minimizes harm. Use it respectfully... Give thanks for what you have been given."