Incorporating science content into The Art of Connection
Building science standards in the Environmental Art Session
One key component to a curriculum is setting objectives that the educator has for the participants they are working with.
The objectives I have for the Environmental Art session curriculum are as follows:
Students will be able to correlate the meanings of shape, structure, color, and texture as it relates to both plants and animals
Students will be able to use natural materials create a piece of artwork representing an animal found in the local ecosystem
Students will be able to think creatively in order to engineer their materials to represent living creatures around the area
Students will be able to identify parts and whole of the materials and of the final product.
These objectives are in place to base the curriculum in academic rationalism, which incorporates learning through different academic disciplines (Deng, 2015). During an Environmental Art session, the students will be interpreting data relating to art and science content. They will be applying literacy and science knowledge from both Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into practice as they think about, question, and interpret art and the art-making process and think about the human and natural world. In doing Environmental Art they will be thinking about how humans use the environment, and how humans and more-than-human interact and interconnect with each other and impact one another which cover science knowledge also used within NGSS at an age-appropriate level. In engaging in critical thinking conversations about art, the artwork process, and assessing their work and the art of others, the students are using literacy practices in Common Core for their grade.
NGSS Standards
NGSS Standards
For the Environmental Art session, we will be using NGSS standards 4-ETS1-1, 4-ETS1-2, and 4-ETS1-3
4-ETS1-1 → We will be specifically using the standards: Possible solutions to a problem are limited by available materials and resources (constraints) through creating Environmental Art with minimal natural resources.
4-ETS1-2 → We will be specifically using the standards: Generate and compare multiple solutions to a problem based on how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the design problem through thinking critically about our Environmental Art designs based our engineering process as we design our art.
4-ETS1-3 → We will be specifically using the standards: Tests are often designed to identify failure points or difficulties, which suggest the elements of the design that need to be improved through thinking critically about our art and what could be changed/added to/modified depending on intent.